Design logo
Vzw Centrumstraten Roeselare aims to promote Roeselare as 'the shopping city'. TopOfMind invented the logo for this lively city - with a wink at the shopping bags ...
Design logo
IdentityView allVzw Centrumstraten Roeselare aims to promote Roeselare as 'the shopping city'. TopOfMind invented the logo for this lively city - with a wink at the shopping bags ...

Femme Totale event
During 'Femme Total', the shopping center of Roeselare becomes 'the place to be' for fashion-conscious women and men. This requires stylish communication!
Femme Totale event
ConceptsView allDuring 'Femme Total', the shopping center of Roeselare becomes 'the place to be' for fashion-conscious women and men. This requires stylish communication!

Shopping Night event
No spring without Shopping Night. All stores open until 10 pm! TopOfMind provides every edition with an inspiring campaign image.
Have a closer look at This piece of workShopping Night event
ConceptsView allNo spring without Shopping Night. All stores open until 10 pm! TopOfMind provides every edition with an inspiring campaign image.