Creations: Identity


Need a clever logo? A visual representation of your company? Did you run out of business cards and want to make the new ones a bit classier? Look no further, ‘cause that’s our job!

TopOfMind can provide you with the tools you need to get your brand known to the world. If needed, we’ll create or tweak your corporate identity so it’s ready for the future.

The possibilities are infinite:

  • Logo
  • Letterheads
  • Business cards
  • Envelopes
  • Leaflets / Folders / Brochures
  • Online communication
  • Social Media
  • Content marketing
Scroll down to see our latest creations
ChocDecor - Choctales - Design logo

Design logo

Concept name and logo for retail chocolate brand. Switching the letters 'L' & 'T' in the word 'chocolates' provides a new fairy tale. And dislectic as we all are, we keep seeing the word 'chocolates' ;-)


Design logo

IdentityView all

Concept name and logo for retail chocolate brand. Switching the letters 'L' & 'T' in the word 'chocolates' provides a new fairy tale. And dislectic as we all are, we keep seeing the word 'chocolates' ;-)

Client ChocDecor(click here for more work for this client)

Alhyco - Mowing arms and flail mowers - Logo Elefanto

Logo Elefanto

After we created the Alhyco logo, we were asked to also create a logo for their 'Jumbo' aspirators. Which animal aspirates better than an elephant? Ever rotated the neck of a giraffe with  90 degrees? See what you get ... ;-)


Logo Elefanto

IdentityView all

After we created the Alhyco logo, we were asked to also create a logo for their 'Jumbo' aspirators. Which animal aspirates better than an elephant? Ever rotated the neck of a giraffe with  90 degrees? See what you get ... ;-)

Client Alhyco(click here for more work for this client)

Bouw Paul Huyzentruyt - Building your imagination... - Corporate Identity

Corporate Identity

Brick by brick, Bouw Paul Huyzentruyt builds every house into a monument. It goes without saying that we only bring those monuments to reality with an appealing corporate identity.

Take a look at This image

Corporate Identity

IdentityView all

Brick by brick, Bouw Paul Huyzentruyt builds every house into a monument. It goes without saying that we only bring those monuments to reality with an appealing corporate identity.

Client Bouw Paul Huyzentruyt(click here for more work for this client)

Goethals Juweliers - Jewelers - Design logo

Design logo

G-sus, what a logo!
TopOfMind was asked to make a logo for both Goethals Juweliers and for Goldshop (the webshop on Foursquare), always easier said than done.
The common letter G became the solution: kneading this letter into a diamond shape and we've created a very recognizable symbol for both brand names.

Click here to view the design

Design logo

IdentityView all

G-sus, what a logo!
TopOfMind was asked to make a logo for both Goethals Juweliers and for Goldshop (the webshop on Foursquare), always easier said than done.
The common letter G became the solution: kneading this letter into a diamond shape and we've created a very recognizable symbol for both brand names.

Client Goethals Juweliers(click here for more work for this client)